Platanthera orbiculata
Many colonies of this orchid in the Canadian Shield Region, but very few
farther south or east. Moist or dry woodlands. In the Ottawa Region, the
largest colonies occur in swamps; usually only small numbers are found
in forests.
Height to 60 cm.
Both varieties are considered rare in Ontario and Quebec. May be confused
with P. hookeri because of similar growing conditions and basal
leaves. In Ontario, P. orbiculata tends to grow in moister woodlands,
and blooms later, the leaves are more shiny, the scape is bracted, and
the lips are blunt and directed downward rather than upwards and pointed
as P. hookeri.
Orchids of Ontario
(Pursch) Lindley var. orbiculata
[Habenaria orbiculata] (Pursch) Torrey
(Pursch) lindley var. macrophylla (Goldie) Luer
[Habenaria macrophylla] Goldie
Round Leaved Orchid, Dinner Plate Orchid
Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Quebec,
Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, Yukon, Northwest
Var. macrophylla only known in Newfoundland, Quebec, Ontario.
Specific Habitat
Var. macrophylla tends to occur in more Deciduous conditions
with relatively rich soil, compared to var. orbiculata,
but still in areas of little herbaceous cover but thick layers of leaf
mould. A more restricted and southern distribution, occurring south of
the border to Wisconsin and South Carolina.
Flowering Season
Mid-June to mid-August.
Leaves two, basal, sub-opposite, flat on the ground, orbicular,bluish-green
above, silvery below; stem with few cauline bracts.
Raceme of up to 20 flowers.
Flowers greenish-white sepals, petals and lip white, spur translucent.
The two varieties are hard to differentiate in the field. Var.
macrophylla has larger leaves and a much larger spur.
The Canadian Field-Naturalist
The Orchids of Bruce & Grey
© Royal Botanical Gardens, Dr. Donald Gunn Image Collection.